The Start of a journey

Here are some questions we were asked about the Awards
Why did you do it?
We wanted to do something that had REAL integrity and actually means something when you win.
There's too many 'Pay to play' awards out there! They are a scam! If you're buying an award, then why not just go out and buy your own and cut out the middle man?!​
Other Awards have merit, but they still expect a high ticket price to sponsor and/or attend. They also have the same judges, the same winners (it seems) on an annual basis. the 'old-boys-network' is still thriving! (but their days are numbered)
How did it go?
We had 160 people attend our first awards and the feedback has been incredibly positive. ​We got a little excited on the night and announced we would be back in 2024, because we sensed that's what people wanted.
Any surprises on the night?
Many people commented on the fact that there were categories with only 1 finalist/winner and others with NO WINNNER at all! ​
Why did you do that?
These are the REAL Cyber Awards. You don't win by copying and pasting your marketing blurb into an entry form. We WILL check your claims, and we expect a little evidence that you're doing what you say you do. We're looking for people who make a REAL impact.
So if you are shortlisted, you've done incredibly well. We don't shortlist you just so you'll buy a ticket(!)
What can we expect in 2024
New judges, new categories and plenty of fun and entertainment!​
Interested in entering...